vendredi, 22 février 2008

Question about The Freedom Writers

1. Why did Ms Gruwell have the Freedom Writers study the Holocaust and meet Holocaust survivors? Because the Holocaust survivors have a difficult past and they can understand the Freedom Writers.

2. How did the Freedom Writers relate to Anne Frank? Give examples. They are impressed because Anne Frank had a very difficult childhood. And their lives are less scary and sad. They felt misunderstood.

3. In what way Zlata Filipovic impacted the students’ lives? Give examples from several writers. What really surprised the Freedom writers? Zlata Filipovic had a lot of courage and she loves life even if she saw a lot of sad things. The Freedom Writers were very amazed and they like her generosity.

4.In diary 47, the writer says: ”Now if you ask me what race I am, like Zlata, I’ll simply say, “I’m a human being.””How could you explain that quote? Do you relate to it? If she says that it's because she lived difficult moments because of the different race and for her everybody's egual. I think it's very beautiful to think like her. If everybody tought like her, a lot of war wouldn't take place.

samedi, 9 février 2008

Freedom writers'diary test

1. I would like invite the the Freedom Writers'teacher. She's intelligent and she's nice. In my class, we watched the movie about her job and I liked what she did. She met a lot of very interesting people and she helped all her pupils. She loves her job and I like it.

2. It's important to read books about different people because we can understand them and understanding is the base of the incomprehension and fear.

3. The stereotypes are a misunderstanding about people. They are bad because they give wrong ideas about people.

4. The Freedom Writers are Asian, Latino, Caucasian, African American.

5. The "hood" is dangerous, poor, it is a sad place to live, there're a lot of gangs.

6. The parents don't support their kids, the kids feel abandonned.

7. A student kick a young boy until he died and the police take him to juvenile home. I think it's sad that young people do things like that.

8. He refer to the judgment of other people because he's black. Ca veut dire:"nous avons commencé à comprendre la véritable pensé de ne pas juger un livre à sa couverture."

9. They lost their parents, their are always in gangs. They're takes drugs and have guns. They're don't like school and hate disipline.

10. Now, I know how it's the live in the hood. It's so dangerous. I would'nt like to live there.

My neighborhood

I live with my family in a 13 building, in a small appartment. It's made out of concrete. There're four rooms: a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms. My living room is decorated with some indian furniture and objects. There's a T.V. and a P.C. My parents like video games and they have three video game consoles. My kitchen is very small and the parents bedroom too. My room is not big, not small. The furniture are black and pink. I love the parfume ads and there're a lot of them on the walls. I have got a T.V. and a P.C. but I haven't got Internet in my bed room. I have a dog and a hamster. Every evening I must walk my dog with my mother. Next to my building there's a river (l'Arve) and parks. It's quiet. On the other side, there're a lot of shops. It's very handy. In my neighborhood there're two Universities, two rivers, three schools, a Mc Donald =). I like where I live, I know a lot of people because my friends live here. "Jonction" is the name of my neighborhood, it's 10 minutes by bus to the centre of Geneva. I love this old city because it's small and it has a lot of charm. The population is multicultural. It's very cool.


My last vacation

In this summer I went to London. I love this city. Here is one of my favorite picture.
This's the Tower Bridge) =)


My name is Shaya and I'm 16 years old. I come from Spain (Coruña) and Switzerland (Geneva) but I don't speak Spanish because my mother only speaks French so my father didn't want to speak Spanish but now I learn this language at school. And I'm happy. I'm a single child. I have got a dog. Her name's Bambou and she's 8 years old. She's so sweet. My hobbies are dancing, listening to music, shopping, watching TV. I have danced since I was 10 years old. I love it. I do modern-jazz. It's on a classical base but it's modern. During the vacation, I went to London for the first time. It's a beautiful city. It was one of my dreams. I visited the Houses of Parliament, the Tower Bridge, the London Eye, Portobello Road and one of the famous neighborhoods: Camden town. After a week in London, I went for three days to Amsterdam. It's the best city I know to shop. It's crazy. After Highschool, I want to be a teacher for children. On Tuesday afternoon (after school) I teach French,mathematics to a child who is 11 years old. It'sgreat.