samedi, 9 février 2008

Freedom writers'diary test

1. I would like invite the the Freedom Writers'teacher. She's intelligent and she's nice. In my class, we watched the movie about her job and I liked what she did. She met a lot of very interesting people and she helped all her pupils. She loves her job and I like it.

2. It's important to read books about different people because we can understand them and understanding is the base of the incomprehension and fear.

3. The stereotypes are a misunderstanding about people. They are bad because they give wrong ideas about people.

4. The Freedom Writers are Asian, Latino, Caucasian, African American.

5. The "hood" is dangerous, poor, it is a sad place to live, there're a lot of gangs.

6. The parents don't support their kids, the kids feel abandonned.

7. A student kick a young boy until he died and the police take him to juvenile home. I think it's sad that young people do things like that.

8. He refer to the judgment of other people because he's black. Ca veut dire:"nous avons commencé à comprendre la véritable pensé de ne pas juger un livre à sa couverture."

9. They lost their parents, their are always in gangs. They're takes drugs and have guns. They're don't like school and hate disipline.

10. Now, I know how it's the live in the hood. It's so dangerous. I would'nt like to live there.

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